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Shed Safely MUD – 10oz

Shed Safely MUD – 10oz

Shed Safely MUD – 10oz

SKU: shed-safely-mud

0 Reviews

Like all Madra Mór dog skin care products, Shed Safely MUD is made with fine, mineral rich clay that exfoliates dry skin and promotes healing and rejuvenation. Shed Safely MUD also includes natural and nourishing ingredients such as allantion, aloe vera, colloidal oatmeal, and essential omega oils that cleanse and revitalizes your dog’s skin and coat.



fortifying_mockup-120815Shed Safely Mud, this is a deep cleaning, sweet smelling mud bath, that flows with hydrating omega oils and is full of B vitamins to help relieve and prevent excessive shedding.

Additional information

Weight 10 oz